The Worldwide Expedition Club are a group of aspiring travellers who explore the beautiful yet bizarre sights and sounds of Earth. Among the members are Team Doki, led by Doki the Dalmatian dog. Doki's teammates are Mundi the ladybug, Oto the anteater, Anabella the flamingo, Gabi the goat, and Fico the otter.
Countries and locations Doki has explored
- Argentina
- Buenos Aires
- Buenos Aires Underground
- Theatre
- Buenos Aires
- Australia
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Amazon rainforest
- Rubber factory
- Amazon rainforest
- Canada
- New Brunswick
- Nunavut
- Kaya's house
- Yukon
- Chile
- China
- Dokiland
- Ecuador
- Chimborazo
- A hat store
- Chimborazo
- Egypt
- England
- France
- Germany
- Berlin
- Elisa's art museum
- Berlin
- Greece
- Olympia
- A museum
- Olympia
- Greenland
- Iceland
- India
- Mumbai
- Film studio
- Market
- Mumbai
- Indonesia
- International Space Station
- Japan
- Jordan
- Madagascar
- Vanilla Bean Merchant's house
- Mediterranean Sea
- Mexico
- Piñata shop
- Namibia
- Nepal
- Panama
- Panama Canal
- A port
- Panama Canal
- Peru
- Fair
- Gas station
- Puerto Rico
- Arecibo
- Jacinta's observatory
- Arecibo
- Russia
- Opera house (presumably the Bolshoi Theatre)
- Sahara
- Scotland
- Spain
- Switzerland
- Joanna's cheese factory
- Trinidad and Tobago
- United States
- California
- Film studio
- Redwood National and State Parks
- A radio tower
- Colorado
- Jackie's ranch
- Hawaii
- Michigan
- New Mexico
- New York
- New York
- Ralph's skyscraper
- New York
- North Dakota
- California
- Venezuela
- Maracaibo
- Stilt houses
- Maracaibo
- Zimbabwe